2024/2025 Season Highlights

September 6
Gettysburg, PA

The Crossing - What Belongs to Me?

October 4

Variant 6 - RE/FRAME

October 16 & 17
Philadelphia & nyc

The Crossing - Can we Know the Sound of Forgiveness?

November 16 & 17
Cambridge, MA & Providence, RI

Ensemble altera - feminine voices

December 13 - 15
Philadelphia & Wilmington, DE

tempesta di mare - neapolitan christmas

december 20 - 22
Philadelphia & NYC

The crossing - what remains when we are gone

January 11

Variant 6 - Re/imagine

january 25
San Luis obispo, ca

calpoly bach week - magnificat

february 4, 13, 14, 16
Princeton, Philadelphia, Iowa, Nebraska

The crossing on tour - david lang’s poor hymnal

february 7

the crossing - what can i know

march 14 - 16
philadelphia, wilmington

variant 6 - re/create

april 4 - 8
cleveland, oh

apollo’s fire - bach mass in b minor

april 26
Chappaqua, NY

ars antigua - stradiveri in london